Travis County Launches Rent Relief Program


Social media and related outreach efforts have begun to direct Travis County residents struggling to meet current or past rental expenses to apply for rent assistance. The assistance will be available to those impacted by COVID-19, but any Travis County resident living outside of the Austin city limits who is experiencing COIVD related financial hardship are also eligible.  


To be eligible for the relief funds the applicant must earn 80 percent or less of the area median income. That figure ranges from $54,700 for a one-person household up to $74,350 for a five-person household.

After the resident submits an application, a property owner/management company must complete their portions.  For landlords:

  • Landlord name, address, SSN or tax identification number and DUNS number, as applicable;
  • Landlord’s completed W-9 tax form; AND
  • Proof of ownership (deed, most recent real estate tax bill, current property insurance policy, or most recent mortgage bill)

In instances where the landlord is not the property owner, the landlord may still receive payment if they submit:

  • Landlord’s completed W-9 tax form and payment information
  • Documentation that links the landlord to the owner, such as:
  • Management agreement;
  • Appointment of agency form; OR
  • Lease that lists the owner and management company.

Over the next thirty Travis County will prioritize individuals who have experienced unemployment at any point 90 days prior to their application, in addition to individuals with incomes at or below 50 percent of area median income.

Like the other program operating on the region, funding comes from the Consolidated Appropriations Act passed last December that authorized $35 billion in emergency rental programs to be funded by the U.S. Treasury. Travis County was allotted $10.7 million of that federal relief funding designated for households most in need.

For complete program details and answers to Frequently Asked Questions go to:

The program’s homepage is at: